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Iranian Head Plans 'Holocaust' Commission
Por NV-Staff - Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 at 1:51 AM

The latest shot fired between the powerful 'Holocaust' Industry and the growing 'Holocaust' Truth Movement -- (traducción Española disponible)

Iranian Head Plans 'Holocaust' Commission

West shamed by Islamic leader

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is apparently preparing a government commission to investigate the ultimate taboo: Jewish "Holocaust" orthodoxy.

Ahmadinejad survived a recent assassination attempt soon after making remarks about world Zionism's psychological use of the supposed planned genocide of the Jewish people in the Second World War, a contention that has surprisingly little evidence supporting it.

Ahmadinejad also pointed out that the West, whose misleaders lecture nations such as Iran about human rights, imprisons many of those who dare to question the supposedly established historical fact of the "Holocaust."

According to the anti-Iranian site Iran focus Ahmadinejad wants the planned commission, which would be the first of its kind anywhere, to finally establish what happened around the Jewish issue in World War Two, since Western scholars are not permitted to freely research, publish or discuss the "Holocaust."

Ahmadinejad and Iran are under intense Israeli-instigated American pressure in regards to the Iranian civilian nuclear energy program. Israel cynically claims the program "could" one day be used for an Iranian nuclear weapon. Israel is the only regional power in the Middle East with nukes.

Source: NV Staff


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