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Campa帽a para impedir el el traslado forzoso para m谩s de 70,000 Beduinos del Negev
Por Pelodytes - Friday, Jun. 13, 2003 at 8:18 AM

En los pr贸ximos d铆as el parlamento israel铆 va a discutir una ley que amenaza con expulsar a 70.000 ciudadanos 脕rabes Beduinos de sus tierras. La legislaci贸n propuesta por el gobierno, La Ley de Expulsi贸n de Intrusos, ha de ser detenida por su car谩cter racista y contrario a los derechos humanos, esta es una petici贸n de presi贸n internacional para evitar que sea aprobada.

Al final de este texto se adjunta una carta para firmar por tantas organizaciones como sea posible alrededor del mundo, para expresar su oposici髇 a una ley en proceso de ser aprobada por el parlamento israel, la cual de ser aprobada significara el traslado forzoso para m醩 de 70,000 Beduinos Palestinos del Desierto del Negev. Estos Beduinos viven en aldeas que el estado de Israel se niega a reconocer y considera ilegales, aunque estos sean los 鷑icos habitantes ind韌enas del desierto. Puedes encontrar m醩 informaci髇 sobre los pueblos Beduinos no reconocidos en

Durante la 鷏tima campa馻 electoral, el primer borrador de esta ley fue pasada por cuatro miembros del Parlamento (!!!), de acuerdo con la cual los Beduinos serian expulsados por una fuerza paramilitar (un cuerpo en posesi髇 de medios militares independiente del ejercito) camuflada como una patrulla ambiental. Esto resulta especialmente indignante, ya que los beduinos del Negev han sido ya objeto de injustas formas de racismo ambiental, (como por ejemplo: Siendo trasladados a la fuerza a un asentamiento junto a un vertedero t髕ico). Ahora este primer borrador va a ser repetido y EXISTEN GRANDES OPORTUNIDADES DE ECHARLO ABAJO, SI UNOS 10 PARLAMENTARIOS CAMBIAN SUS INTENCIONES, lo cual ser韆 posible e incluso realista con un m韓imo de presi髇 internacional. Por eso os pedimos que consigas que la carta sea firmada por tantas organizaciones como sea posible, particularmente (que no 鷑icamente):

Organizaciones de Derechos Humanos:

 Pueblos Ind韌enas y Organizaciones de Derechos Territoriales.

 Grupos Ecologistas.

 Organizaciones por el Desarrollo o Solidarias.

Y la env韊n por fax (mucho m醩 eficiente que el correo electr髇ico) a los ministros y parlamentarios (MKs) israel韊s citados debajo, si es posible antes del lunes 16 de junio. Lo mejor ser韆 enviar por separado la carta a cada uno de los ministros y parlamentarios, para aumentar la eficiencia y efectividad, lo mejor ser韆 coordinar este proceso entre varias organizaciones en cada pa韘.

Si fuese posible tambi閚 que miembros del parlamento, otros representantes ciudadanos y 損ersonas relevantes se involucrar醤 para movilizar contactos en la prensa para que escriba sobre esto, ser韆 muy 鷗il, dado que ha sido pr醕ticamente ignorado (incluso por la prensa israel) y que la recepci髇 de llamadas telef髇icas por parte de periodistas extranjeros es una forma muy efectiva de demostrar preocupaci髇 internacional. Nuestra actividad es la 鷑ica cosa que puede parar esta alucinante legislaci髇, la cual tienen el morro de llamar: 揕ey de Expulsi髇 de Intrusos.

En estos momentos la organizaci髇 con la que nos hemos puesto en contacto (Mossawa, una asociaci髇 de asistencia legal para 醨abes que viven en Israel) no recomienda que se realicen acciones de protesta, 鷑icamente presiones diplom醫icas, de medios y ongs, ya que la idea es convencer a 10 o m醩 miembros del parlamento. Si la ley sigue adelante, ya tendremos tiempo de realizar acciones de protesta. Si mandas la carta por favor m醤danos un mensaje a, para que podamos evaluar la cantidad de respuestas. Escr韇enos tambi閚 si puedes traducir esto a otros idiomas, o actuar como contacto personal en tu pa韘 (recibiendo m醩 encargos, manteni閚dote en contacto para el seguimiento de esta campa馻 y otras, etc...



Ministros del Gobierno Israel:

Ministro de Justicia, Tomy Lapid: Fax: 972-2-6285438, Tel閒ono: 972-2-6466527,

Ministro de Medio Ambiente, Yehudith Naot: Fax: 972-2-6535958, Tel閒ono: 972-2-6553701,

Ministro de Comercio e Industria, Ehud Olmert: Fax: 972-2-6243783, Tel閒ono: 972-2-6220383,

Ministro de Infraestructuras Nacionales, Joseph Paritzky: Fax: 972-2 5006715, Tel閒ono: 972-2-5006889,

Ministro de Asuntos Internos, Avraham Poraz: Fax: 972-2-5666376, Telefono: 972-2-6701400,

Viceministro de Industria, Michael Ratzon:

Miembr@s del Knesset (Parlamento):

Reshef Chayne Chairperson of Shinui Party Fax: 972-2-6753249, Phone: 972-54-804399/ 972-50624140,

Meli Polishook-Bloch Shinui Fax: 972-2-6753570, Phone: 972-54-737247,

Doron Chemi Shinui Fax: 972-3-9671778, Phone: 972-64-481138/ 972-51-363029,

Michael Eitan Chairperson of the Justice Committee Fax: 972-2-6496404, Phone: 972-53-210848/ 972-50-456429,

MK Ayoob Kara Likud Fax: 972-2-649-6541, Phone: 972-56-723578/ 972-54-490700,

Eti Livni Shinui Fax: 972-2-6753945/ 972-3-528504, Phone: 972-53-225003/ 972-55-299374,

Majalli Whbee Likud Fax: 972-2-675-3731,

Ehud Rassabi Shinui Fax: 972-2-6496106, Phone: 972-50-624134/ 972-51-204923,

Ilan Shalgi Shinui Fax: 972-2-6753158/ 972-3-6913951, Phone: 972-56-233703/ 972-52-563214,

P.S.: "... El gobierno israel envi otro mont髇 de planes de limpieza de cultivos para fumigar con sustancias t髕icas m醩 de 5.500 dunams de tierras de los beduinos. La Patrulla Verde, una unidad paramilitar ambiental encargada de la 搑evitalizaci髇 del Desierto del Negev, ha sido la principal responsable de este tipo de ataques. En 1978 Ariel Sharon, entonces ministro de agricultura estableci la Patrulla Verde para: 揕ocalizar y evacuar r醦idamente los Beduinos del Negev que vivan o trabajen en esas tierras. En los 鷏timos a駉s la Patrulla Verde esta enzarzada en la destrucci髇 de tierras de cultivo y casas de Beduinos.

-- De la carta muestra para los MKs israel韊s. (ver anejo)

DATE, 2003

Dear (Politician),

In the coming days, the Knesset will discuss a bill which threatens to expel over seventy thousand Arab Bedouin citizens from their lands. The government抯 proposed legislation, the Expulsion of Intruders Law, creates a new legal and enforcement mechanism to expedite the transfer of more than half the Bedouin of the Negev Desert into 7 new government settlements.

This escalating disregard for the rights of Bedouin citizens serves to highlight the undemocratic and discriminatory policies previously criticized by the U.S. State Department in its 2002 Country Report on Human Rights Practices in Israel as well as the U.N.抯 most recent report on Israel from the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. (See and

The Negev Bedouin and the 'Expulsion of Intruders Law' Within a major portion of Israeli society, it is commonly understood that the Bedouin are inseparable from the Negev Desert. Yet the state has never recognized their right to their ancestral lands. British Mandate land surveyors did not register Negev lands, and after the creation of the state the Israeli government deemed existing settlements retroactively 'illegal'. As a result, the Bedouin have suffered transfer twice, and half the Bedouin of the Negev live in villages "unrecognized" by the Israeli government.

Over the last few months, the Bedouin of the unrecognized villages have endured multiple attacks on their homes, livelihood, and culture. For instance, early on the morning of February 5, government inspectors razed Tal al-Milah mosque. On April 2nd, for the second time in a month, the Israeli government sent another fleet of crop-dusting planes to spray toxic chemicals over 5,500 dunams of Bedouin land. The Green Patrol, an environmental paramilitary unit charged with the "revitalization" of the Negev Desert, has generally been responsible for such attacks. In 1978, as Minister of Agriculture, Ariel Sharon established the Green Patrol in order to "locate and rapidly evacuate" Negev Bedouin living or working on their lands. In recent years the Green Patrol has engaged in the eradication of flocks and demolition of Bedouin homes. Each new incident compounds prior attempts by the Israeli government to pressure the "unrecognized" villagers to move from their traditional lands. (See

Today, in the midst of massive cuts to the social services of the most vulnerable sectors of Israeli society, the government has managed to shore up another 55 million shekels for the implementation of the Expulsion of Intruders Law. According to analysis from Mossawa Center, The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens of Israel, the funds will be allocated for security forces and legal administrators to hasten the displacement of 22,000 Bedouin households from their lands.

Mossawa Center research shows that even before discussion of the Expulsion Law in the Knesset, the Israeli government had already allocated 12.5 million NIS for the Land Authority's Green patrol, and another 15.5 million NIS for the creation of a new Planning Administration police unit. Part of the 27 million NIS offered to the Land Authority will go towards airplanes, most likely to monitor Bedouin development and agriculture.

Mossawa Center analysis reveals that the Expulsion of Intruders Law will give planning inspectors status and authority beyond that of the police. Planning officials will have the right to conduct investigations and searches without a warrant. Planning inspectors will have a chief of police lacking any police training, and will be able to use force in the implementation of planning regulations.

Precedent shows that the Expulsion Law will be selectively applied. As the government terms the Bedouin 搕respassers on 揼overnment land and laments the sprawl of unrecognized villages, it gives free license to the illegal development of hundreds of dunams for Jewish ranches. To further illustrate, in the last few decades, Kibbutzim have built malls on government land designated for agricultural purposes. Their structures have never been threatened with demolition; Indeed the government has created a special committee (the Kadmon Committee) to legitimate the illegal expansion of the Kibbutzim. In contrast, Bedouin born and raised in the Negev will see their villages destroyed and their families forcibly removed.

The allocation of massive funds to patrol the desert with police at the height of Israel's fiscal crisis points to the influence of the Transfer Party (Ehud Leumi) in the coalition government. Member of the Transfer Party and Minister of Tourism, Beni Alon has been quoted as saying: "We will make their lives hard until they will ask to leave."

The Expulsion of Intruders Law subverts the principles of democracy and sabotages the rights of minorities in Israel. At the same time, it will further deteriorate the relationship between Arabs and Jews in Israel. In this and many other regards, the government抯 plans for the Negev will be very costly.

We respectfully ask you to oppose this inhumane proposal. As voting day approaches we hope that you will encourage your colleagues to do the same. The problem of the unrecognized villages can and must be solved democratically, i.e. in a manner that takes the rights and needs of Arab Bedouin citizens into consideration. Our requests are clear:

 Oppose the Expulsion of Intruders Law during the upcoming voting process

 Acknowledge the land rights of the 70,000 Bedouin of the unrecognized villages

 Support the extension of the services enjoyed by the majority of Israeli citizens -- i.e., housing, water, electricity, education and health services -- to all Bedouin citizenry of Israel

Thank you for your understanding and support.


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