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Indymedia Servers Returned
Por Arturo - Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2004 at 10:46 AM

The FBI reportedly has returned the hard drives they took to get the following posts. We could have saved them some trouble.

Indymedia Servers Re...
masked.jpg2xpldv.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x143

By: C.L. Hallmark

On Sept. 22 the FBI told Rackspace to tell Nantes Indymedia to take down the post in the URL address provided in this article. It contained the photos of two Geneva police officers. Nantes substituted photos with masks and the faces of TV actors.

Rackspace told Indymedia the FBI and Switzerland were concerned about posts giving the name and address of one officer. Apparently they were referring to the following posts that were comments on the parent article. ==================================

Mais c'est Mike 08.09.2004 17:43
Celui qui a un peu d'embonpoint c'est Mike, il habite Boulevard xxxxxx au dessus d'une xxxxxx ...

But this is Mike 08.09.2004 17:43

The one that has a little potbelly, this is Mike, he lives on Boulevard xxxxxx above a xxxx …

COMMENT: The post merely gave a first name, a street (no house number), and a type of business. Geneva is a big city. This information identifies no one. We deleted the street and business type, which could be wrong anyway.


Bof 10.09.2004 10:39

Finalement, on s'en fout... de tte façon ces mecs tt le monde les connait.. et pis y en a plein qui vont arriver (quoique s'ils s'en sortent au niveau du français, cf. le Tribune de GE d'aujourd'hui, les ânes !!!)

Bof 10.09.2004 10:39

Finally, someone screws himself... of tte manner these guys tt the world the connait.. and worse there in has full that will arrive (although they themselves sometimes go to the level of the French, cf. the Tribune of GE of today, the donkeys!!!) yann

COMMENT: The is inscrutable, possibly because of abbreviations or typing errors.


10.09.2004 17:53
le petit merdeux à droite sur la photo, j'espère pour lui ne jamais le croiser dans la rue ce fils de pute, il risquerait d'y passer.

10.09.2004 17:53

The small sh*t to right on the photo, I hope, for him, not ever to cross him in the street, this son of a … , it would risky there.

COMMENT: There is an insult, but a routine one in the US where such vulgar terms, regrettably, are commonly heard. The “threat” sounds like pure bluster. Another common US expression is, “I’d like to get alone in a room with him/her.” This is seldom taken seriously.
Lamentables 13.09.2004 02:35
Ah bravo, les gars...

Quel courage ! Vous avez affiché au grand jour les portraits de deux flics qui ont interpellé plus de 200 personnes et qui sont déjà connus comme des loups blancs à Genève ! Chapeau... A croire que personne ne les connaissait jusqu'à la parution de votre article merdique... Pour sûr, ils devaient chaque fois être cagoulés quand ils interpellaient des casseurs de votre espèce... tu parles d'un scoop...

Eux au moins, ils ne se masquent pas, quand ils vont dans une manif... ce n'est pas le cas de toutes les petites lopettes qui déversent leurs propos haineux et orduriers sur ce site merdique...

Au fait, Jackouille, les flics t'auraient pas pris en photo, toi aussi ? Réfléchis bien à ça, pauvre tâche...

Bon, les courageux héros de la révolution, je vous laisse, vous être trop lamentables, vous et vos métaphores culinaires à deux balles ("y a pas que le carpaccio qui se mange froid", non mais j'te jure...)...

Pour rester dans ton style gastro, je te dirai encore ceci : Elle sera pas coupée en tranches, mon garçon, la viande que tu risques de te prendre dans l'arrière-train... et là elle sera brûlante celle-là...

Lamentable 13.09.2004 02:35

Ah, bravo, guys...

What courage! You posted the pictures of two cops that shouted at more than 200 persons and that already are known as white wolves to Geneva! Hah!... To believe that a person did not know them before the publication of your damn item ... Oh, sure, they had to wear a gas mask when they shouted at demonstrators of your type... you talk about a scoop...

They at least, they do not mask themselves when they go out in a normal situation... this is not the case of all the small lopettes that pour their hate-filled and filthy matters on this damned site...

At the action, Jackouille, would the cops not have taken your photo also? Reflect well on that, you poor excuse...

Good, the courageous heroes of the revolution, I leave you, you to be too sorry, you and your culinary metaphors to two bullets (" there has not that the carpaccio that eats cold", no but j'te swears. ..)...

To remain in your gastronomical train of thought, I will say to you again: It will not be cut and split, my boy, meat that you risk taking from behind... But it will be extremely hot... --------------. -

COMMENT: The original article, 3190, referred to carpacio, a thinly sliced meat dish, in saying that resentments are not forgotten. The comment here warns the poster of 3190, using a culinary metaphor. The French are really much better at these things than we are.

toujours en style gastro 13.09.2004 18:37
ben on dirait qu'il y en a qui ont de la peine à digérer la publication des photos !!!
(merci à Luc pour les noms et adresses perso)
Grosses bises les poulets ... rotis (enfin bientôt) xyetz

always same trains of thought, gastro 13.09.2004 18:37

Ben, one would say that there are some that have indigestion over the publication of the photos!!! (thank-you to Luc for the names and personal addresses) Love and kisses to the chickens... roast (finally and soon)

COMMENTS: There are more French culinary expressions but these are hardly credible threats against the “chickens.”


13.09.2004 22:47
Toi qui veux bouffer du poulet, gaffe aux petits os pointus qui se logent dans la gorge et qui, au mieux, peuvent terriblement faire mal...

13.09.2004 22:47

You who want to devour chicken, might blunder on the small pointed bones that lodge themselves in the throat and that, at best, can hurt terribly...

COMMENT: Half of the comments seem mainly to be warning against recriminations.

On October 22, the Feds (US) took down the server for Nantes and others in London. Supposedly they have returned the hard drive they seized.

Here is the translation of the parent article (the URL given here).

Photographs of 2 police officers (G8 unit)

By Jackouille

GENEVA post-G8: Videos, photographs and testimonies: All is set to track law-breakers and hooligans. A carefully planned work continued today by two inspectors, which has led to 200 arrests so far.

The G8 police force unit had been dissolved in December 2003; however, it took up service again, in smaller numbers -- two inspectors.

These inspectors view films and photographs received from informers and from other police officers.

They come to the streets of Geneva where they plan on finding "law-breakers/hooligans."

They take new photographs -- perhaps to make a database of activists because they think that they can be the future "law-breakers/hooligans" of future riots in Geneva?

As one of the 2 inspectors says to another: "I saw two of my colleagues being lynched during meetings against WTO, in 1998. I will be never able to forget."

It is not the only thing which the police officer will not forget! Because "Il n'y a pas que le Carpacio comme plat qui se mange froid!" (A French expression using a food metaphor: The idea is "the memories are not forgotten" or "resentments are not forgotten.")


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