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The Right People
por Bobby Meade •
Saturday, May. 05, 2012 at 2:26 PM
"See, I lay a stone in Zion,a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.” (1 Peter 2:6)
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The Right People - Facebook Post GHW Bush keeps complaining that he doesn't have the right people, trying to stop me because I am still alive. I keep telling him that Sarah Hajney and Jennifer Bolduc are the right people. As you should know, Bush was among 27 people who tried to dispose of Sarah and Jennifer with a woodchipper outside of Dryden. When I told him that Sarah and Jennifer were the right people, he told his dumkopfs to go check their graves. Then he said that a group of his dumkopfs has ended up standing at the graves around the clock, for the first arrivals were told that they had to stay there and get more dumkopfs to stand by the grave. If they tried to leave, they were being dismembered.(Is. 33:1) So I can imagine the same thing happening all over the earth as people select a popular person who has been slain for the word of God or the testimony they had maintained.(Rev. 20:4) Then the people have a group of believers standing around the grave like that grave is going to be opened in order to attract the Bush Nazis or the murderers, so that the culprits can be forced to stand watch at the graves.(a.) & (b.) This will probably result in the lighting of watchfires at these sites and much more. "Got a tombstone hand in a graveyard mine. Just twenty-two and I don't mind dying. Now who do you love? Who do you love." Bo Diddley
I have been trying to get everyone to produce enlarged photograpic prints of my Mom's pictures and art, which can be viewed at and in order to ensure that her work is preserved by those who know its value. After little success, I've decided that the way to enable people to obtain such prints is to put the jpg codes along with the images in downloadable form on a popular site that will enable such downloads. 4/29 I just tried to download a photo from these blogs, and it doesn't happen. You get the blog with no images. This seems like a ruse to track downloads or prevent people from making good reproductions. I think that it is best if the original jpg images can be downloaded directly so that enlargements and prints can be done offline. 5/1
GHW Bush says that his dumkopfs are dying because of Mom's pictures. I keep telling him to show me the bodies. (See Footnotes (c.) & (d.) "Dying all the time....Ain't life unkind?" "Nothing is real! Nothing to get hung about!"
Mom was the best! The enhanced photos that you see on the computer cannot compare nor can they be reproduced very well. These photo blogs have not been very accessible; thus I am trying to rectify that. Let Mom know that I have also been bringing windstorms to Texas, making the desert bloom, building walls, and trying to secure the Internet from supercomputer-enabled hackers.
5/3 The Internet is about over, I think. It's full of superficial information prejudiced in favor of your death. There are few if any details on major illnesses, and they are always in favor of sending you to a death doctor. In the same way as they surpress the Word of God, they surpress common knowledge and truth that may help people. (Jer. 23:30) Note how they have celebrities trying to sweettalk you into seeking lethal treatments. To top it off, you have to contend with the Devil and his imps in order to use a public computer. Once people find out that they are going blind from using computers, there will be a mass exodus from the computers and a return to books and newspapers.
To Schools under the control of the SERPENT: DO NOT LET THE CULPRITS ESCAPE! – God promised to gather all of the Bush Nazis; and it’s up to you to make sure that they don’t get away.(Mic. 2:12) You have to study His plan in order to understand, for they “have been given power to rule until God’s words are fulfilled.”(Rev. 17:17)” That is why I wrote Besieged Nazi Strongholds in 2009: . In order to fulfill His words, you have to lay siege to your univiersity. (Deut. 20:12; Jer. 19:9) As I have written, “Places that are supporting or promoting the SERPENT are the strongholds of the Nazi dunces that are marked for destruction. (Amos 6:8; Deut. 28:49-57; Jer. 19:9,15) Like tying a stone in a sling is the giving of honor to a fool. (Prov. 26:8) Do you think that you can sacrifice the dumkopf Nazis on the computers at your institution and that will be the end of it? If you fire these Nazis or kick them off campus, the people will hold you responsible for plaguing the population by allowing such despicable people to live. In order for your institution to survive you have to show the world what God does with such foolish people. (Prov. 3:35) That means that you will probably have to confine the condemned like the “flock marked for slaughter”. (Zech. 11:4) Won’t that be a good way to find out who supports them? Keep in mind that they are all sworn to never read a word that I have written. It’s either that, or they can’t read! (Is. 29:11-12)” … “One of the first targets in the Nazi takeover of an institution is the office of personnel; thus there is no way to change the type of people that get hired. These Nazis accentuate experience over intelligence, for one’s experience is proof that you can get along with their coprophagic homosexual Devil Worshippers. Alas! “Draw water for the siege, strengthen your defenses! (Nahum 3:14) PS Don’t even publicize the siege. Just feed the SERPENTs to the SERPENTs. 11/15 Note that the Occupy Movement is probably an attempt to incite protesters to do the same in the Middle East.
Note what I’ve been telling my Cornell classmates: “The SERPENT takeover of US universities can’t be fixed, and by this time it has infiltrated every single department on that campus. We were the last to walk that campus before the integrity of the campus began to disintegrate at a rapid pace. Don’t believe me? … Go to that campus now before school lets out. Try to talk to the faculty. You will find bogus professionals, full of themselves, teaching a watered-down version of practical knowledge. … Can’t talk to them, can you? They brush you off like had to be someplace else right away, don’t they? Walk into their office, and they will start shuffling papers around on their desk. Every one of them will do that too! … There is no way to save Cornell now. SERPENT control of the university is now complete. You can get rid of them, but they have set it up so that they can only be replaced by other followers of the SERPENT.?If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city.?(Deut. 20:12; Jer. 19:9)” Also “Don’t forget that the Cornell cops carry semiautomatic weapons because they paid some Ujamaa Boys to prance around campus with unloaded rifles in the early seventies. This professed takeover of Cornell campus was a media blitz that changed the “face of education” in America, putting armed police impersonators on campuses to protect the rule of the SERPENT; i.e. they are Zion’s Secret Police. “Just feed the SERPENTs to the SERPENTs.”
In Line to Die for the Bush Fools 10/26 –…x.php
9/21 Everything I do “drives Bush crazy”; thus he continues with his bioterror assaults everywhere I go! 9/26 Barbed projectiles have to be completely removed from the skin it seems, for they apparently function more or less as “pheromones” to attract parasitic mites to the site. Scabies is a non-contagious affliction, but the medical profession has been trying to convince you otherwise; thus it is joins the flu, whooping cough, and numerous cancers such as prostate and breast cancers as a means of terrorizing the public. 9/29 You know that Nazi Mental Health has always been more or less a “legal” form of bioterrorism where they manipulate the court to let them poison people with “pesticides posing as psychotropic drugs.’ Now they are apparently actively disabling their targets with toxic chemicals, insects, etc. Not to mention electrobioterrorism. If you are reading this, they are probably already after you. Keep in mind that if they don’t use scabies on you, they have the most toxic insects and chemicals that you can imagine at their disposal. Sure you can talk to them about their pathological activities, then they will try to kill you. 10/13 GHW Bush revealed last night that he has never failed to get what he wants by using bioterror on people. As it is written, “the mouth of a fool invites ruin”; thus GHW Bush’s own words will be used against him and bring about his downfall.(Prov. 10:14; 12:13 Ps. 59:12) Can you imagine? “If you don’t give me a diploma, I’m going to bug you to death!” 10/24 As a result of committing his evil deeds from afar and having his “private army” eliminate anyone that opposes him, GHW Bush brags about his iniquity, telling his followers to do the same, for “NoBody is going to do anything about it!” (Is. 14:20; Mic. 2:12; Rom. 1:16-32; Prov. 11:19; 12:13,15; 14:12) 11/15 GHW Bush revealed that he’s been trying to murder me because of what I said about Captain Calvin Bush being as sick as they come etc.(c.) In addition to GHW Bush saying that she killed a man, I say that she spent the latter part of her life, impregnating freed slave women. Remember that doctors or those impersonating doctors would hang a curtain so that the woman could not see who was examining her, whatever. “This is a soft instrument that checks to see if you are pregnant.” She had @ 14 kids with several of them being Afro-Americans. Also I believe that the Beatles said that was “Sweet Lorretta Modern”. “Sweet Loretta Modern thought she was a woman, but she was another man!..”
To Yale and company; i.e. The Ivy League: Note that the Bush Nazi (a.) dunces have chosen the Ivy League as their first and foremost target in the destruction of the educational system. You think that you can rid your campus of the SERPENT any other way than by besieging it. It can’t be done! Yeah! We know how sweet all these dunces are, for “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”(2 Cor. 11:14)The foolproof plan of GHW Bush, the “uncrowned king of Babylon”(Is. 14) and his supporters for world domination is to give their followers some pathological course of action to eliminate people until there is nobody left but Bush Nazis. (Is. 28:15) During the course of this genocide, their king-in-waiting keeps babbling inanities like “I did not want this stuff to happen!” “NoBody is going to do anything about it!” etc. That is why their king couldn’t do anything for them. They have to keep that stuff up until they or you are dead! Once they are given their course of action, nobody can stop them, not even Bush. 9/23 Keep in mind that Bush had a lot of control over Secret Service during the Clinton Administration, for my leg was broken and the computer chip installed then; thus the same probably holds true for the current administration. (c.) FYI – Secret Service = Zion’s Secret Police of the SERPENT that is Zionism; i.e. the “Fedya Guvmint” that they are working for is a rogue nation in the Middle East.
From FB post – Bush Terror and Hidden Things – 9/26 Since Secret Service is a rogue police force, GHW Bush is always standing by to pick up SS rejects whenever SS is seeking new SS. “Hey I know a bioterror enclave that they call a university that could really use you!” Not to mention Israel, GHW Bush revealed last night that SS has records of him conferring with rogue leaders in the Middle East, even Osama Bin Laden!
….If you try to stop it on such campuses, they will just move their operations someplace else. Scabies is a the bioterror agent of choice now, for the Bush Nazis believe that you are all too stupid to recognize it for what it is. 9/29 You know that Nazi Mental Health has always been more or less a “legal” form of bioterrorism where they manipulate the court to let them poison people with “pesticides posing as psychotropic drugs.’ Now they are apparently actively disabling their targets with toxic chemicals, insects, etc. Not to mention electrobioterrorism. If you are reading this, they are probably already after you. Keep in mind that if they don’t use scabies on you, they have the most toxic insects and chemicals that you can imagine at their disposal. Sure you can talk to them about their pathological activities, then they will try to kill you. 10/13 GHW Bush revealed last night that he has never failed to get what he wants by using bioterror on people. As it is written, “the mouth of a fool invites ruin”; thus GHW Bush’s own words will be used against him and bring about his downfall.(Prov. 10:14; 12:13 Ps. 59:12)
8/1 After a week of rotted garbage or a dead animal in the basement and being woken up by onslaught with anthrax, the Bush Nazis dumped enough chemicals on me all day to make my legs swell up to twice their normal size. Maybe the tons of nicotine that they have dumped on me is killing my legs more than anything else. They pull such stuff @ the first of every month, hoping that I will go complain to the Nazi landlord about it. 8/17 Bush Nazi have been dumping nicotine and anthrax on me for over a week to convince me that I am sick from the damage tbat they have done to my legs. 8/24 They are really hell-bent on killing me, especially with chemicals that aggravate my sores. On Sunday I was shot twice with barbed scarification projectiles in Johnson City when I went to the store. One of the reasons that GHW Bush tells everyone not to mention me or my name is so that they can kill me and say that they didn’t know who I was. I can do little more than wear my glove with “The Lord’s” on it and reveal what they have done.(Rev. 11:5; Is. 44:5)
Bush Buffoonery Plain to All 3/16 – “…they will not get very far because … their folly will be clear to everyone.”(2 Tim. 3:9) Nanotechnuts Bring Us High Tech Death 2/25 – Micronecromania brought to you by the Bush Nazi dumkopfs or even Hitler himself. “Who will see it?”(Ps. 64:5) 12/29 Nazi insect and nanotube assault explained. 2/10 Computer security scams. 2/24 Bush has never done anything legit.
By talking like a fool for his entire life and eliminating anyone who has questioned such talk, GHW Bush has assumed the kingship of those who became the godless Israelites by behaving like they were “God on earth”, defending the rule of the Bush fools. Have they convinced you to worship the Bush fools? (Deut. 13:1-11) These fools believe that “..anyone who kills you … is offering a service to God.”(John 16:2) Thus the Lord says, “You have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you.”(James 5:6) One of the reasons that you don’t talk to GHW Bush about what he has been doing is that he will immediately set about begrieving his conduct, and he will use any hesitation on your part to get rid of you.(Ps. 28:3; Jer. 9:8) 1/3 Take Bush’s Eagle stealth “toys” away from him.(c.) “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”(1 Peter 4:12; Ps. 62:3; 64:8) 7/25 If Bush says that he regrets his detestable criminality, he is really bragging about it, for he knows that you can’t prove anything and that is the only way that he can talk about it. (Jer. 6:15; Prov. 10:14) 2/26 Here's another trap that the Bush Nazis set for you. They say that they will not stop harassing me until I prove who I am. There is no way to prove anything to such people, but they are trying to get you to say that I am Israel, the deaf messenger of the Lord or something like that so that they can use that as an excuse to kil you. (Jer. 5:26) This idea arises from my submitting my perfect poem, The Closet to the Library of Congress @ 1989, for they would show it to selected Library employees and kill them if they said that it was perfect.
11/6 I believe that there is no medical treatment for these mites that is better than what I am doing, i.e. killing them with sulfur or epsom and digging them out. It is not something that can be effectively done by anyone other than the victim; thus I suspect that the medical field is not advocating such a pursuit and actively surpressing any information on the use of these insects as bioterror agents. That is an injurious or fatal communication glitch similar to the ones that have us fighting wars (“rumors of war”), supporting morons in the White House, fostering terror via medical myths, reading trashy bestsellers, etc. I believe that Shingles is a disease that is caused by these mites too, and that the skin of the lower legs is usually affected whether the mites take up residence or not. 11/8 For a year or more now I have been trying to get a mass of scar tissue @ a half inch in diameter to come out of my arm. I have been applying a tumeric and aloe mixture which is supposed to dissolve it, then I put oil on it before washing it off. The mass has migrated to the surface of the skin where I dig it out. I notice that it comes out in clumps. I believe that treating acne with creams, containing a significant amount of petroleum products in them, dissolves the scar tissue which then hardens again into a solid layer of scar tissue. As I have written, scar tissue formation in the body is promoted in proportion to the amount of scar tissue present elsewhere in the body, especially in the face. This results in the formation of scar tissue within the major organs of the body, and that is why people with severe acne do not live very long. Scar tissue is a major factor in the aging of the body too, for it builds up as the body ages no matter what we do to try to stop it. 11/14 The scar tissue-laden face of those who have severe acne is more or less a Death Mask, isn’t it? Keep in mind that acne is actively promoted in almost every case by Bush Nazis throwing chemicals on targetted people. 11/22 I suspect that these insects are being bred in science laboratories at universities throughout the earth. GHW Bush says that the Science Building where a man was killed at the university here now has a guard protecting the culprits who are breeding these insects; thus if these universities are besieged, they can keep breeding these insects to throw at the Bush Nazis that are being forced to wander about.(Amos 6:8; Lam. 4:15) 11/24 GHW Bush revealed last night that the medical profession says nothing about people who are trying to deal with the constant onslaught of insects from the Nazis until the damage from the insects progresses to infection, and the victim seeks help from the medical profession, where they are methodically killed one way or another. 12/2 I have insect burrows on my hands and the bottom of one foot apparently from insect-laden nanotubes that were planted to waylay me. I got them on my hands from handling intentionally-contaminated garden equipment with most of them being at the base of the palms. I got them on my foot from having had the ignorance to walk barefoot ten feet to my kitchen in my apartment. (maybe the ones on the floor had a structure like the curved ones featured in the links to the right of this article: Also note that there has been very little research on how hazardous nanotubes are: 4/13 Scrap that. Physorg seems to be a pack of pathological sh*theads, full of emptyheaded reasoning.) There is probably little pain when these tubes enter the skin because of their size; i.e. it is like acupunture and most of the tubes do not strike a nerve. The use of these nanostructures for criminal purposes is a good reason to ban or severely restrict this area of study. It is a field that has probably yielded few beneficial creations with token cases receiving an unwarranted amount of publicity. (4/6 From: The Invisible Bioterror of the Bush Nazis 4/2/11
Here is a piece that addresses and illustrates to some extent the bioterrorism that the Bush Nazis (a. & c.) say is “invisible harmless stuff”. Note that you could search high and low and probably wouldn’t find a doctor to address such injuries appropriately. (Alacant is kaput! Image is above.)
4/5 I did not look closely at the images until yesterday, and I found that I did capture an image of the linked parasitic mites that they are throwing below and to the left of the adult parasitic mite. It is the lower of two black images to the right and below the yellow mass. The yellow mass is glue drops, for I had added freshly collected material with glue smaeared from the tip of the tube. There are three linked mites there, and they are about a twentieth of the size of the adult mite. Adult mites are rare and only live a few houres, and they probably never come from infected people, these probably arise from the method by which the culprits are breeding these insects. The tiny linked mites are what you feel crawling over the sensitive areas of your body when they are thrown on you.
In respect to nanotubes hazards etc.; the article on Curved Nanotubes has been removed. Those curved namotubes had bases like the square bases of metal scaffolding; thus a lot of them would stand up and puncture the foot if you walked on them. It took me 3 months to get them out of the ball of my foot. Next to the article on Curved Nanotubes there were links to articles with pictures of expanding barbed projectiles as described below, and that article is no longer accessible either. I bet that article had been there for a year or more, for the barbed projectiles in my cheek are a lot more destructive. GHW Bush says that they had those articles there on because they planned to use those weapons on anyone who tried to discredit nanotechnology. I have a barbed projectile below my lower lip that is @ three quarter inch long and a third inch wide that I will probably try to remove too. They apparently shoot these things in all sizes, for I have removed @ five that are not much bigger than a human hair and a third of an inch long or so. Also there is another large mass coming out of the tip of my nose. That is probably the best way to remove that stuff.) (4/13 In addition to the barbed prongs in my face, I find a lot of microscopic spherical barbs that become embedded in the skin when I touched my face with contaminated hands. The masses of scar tissue encased manomaterial and insects that I have removed from my body are best described as granulomas; thus if you take a look at this link, you can imagine the host of illnesses that the medical profession might say that you have: . Wiki also probably has the most thorough account of nanotechs too:… ) Along with the purportedly undetectable chemicals, bacteria, and radiation that the Bush Nazis use to murder people, these nanotubes have also joined the “invisible” agents of death that gratify what I call their “micronecromania” or “micronecrophilia” if you will. FYI – Nanotubes = lethal instruments. “The beginning …. is foolishness: and the end … is mischievous madness.”(Eccl. 10:13 KJV) 12/7 Keep in mind that these nanotubes can carry practically any microscopic infectious agent. I also want to let you know that these burrows and tubes have to be removed in sequence, for the skin has to recover and heal to some extent before you try removing more; thus one should wait several days in order to let more of the foreign matter surface and to protect the deep layers of skin. 12/10 I suspect that the body forms scar tissue around these nanobubes whether they contain infectious agents or not; thus I have been digging at raise bumps of scar tissue, particularly on my wrists. I have found that the bumps keep forming until all of the tubes or burrows are out. From the articles on nanotubes above, I have learned that the tubes can be rigid or very flexible; thus they are probably rigid when they puncture the skin and become flexible in the body. It is hard to remove them because the scar tissue probably anchors them to the surrounding skin; thus digging at the bumps produces a painful bloody mess. To sum it up, nanotechnology has few practical purposes. The material is just too small to do anything constructive with it. The publicity that has promoted it is all smoke and mirrors, emptyheaded reasoning.(2 Tim. 4:3; Rom. 1:21-22)
12/16 I have determined that many of those who are throwing the mites and nanotubes at me are recent immigrants from Rwanda. As was the case with the illegal Salvadorean immigrants that harassed me in DC, the Bush Nazis have imported SERPENT worshippers that probably learned how to breed lethal insects and throw toxic substances at people before they learned how to talk. When any foreign atrocity like the Rwanda genocide happens, one has to understand that there are SERPENTs on both sides, and those are the ones who will be welcomed into this country by the Bush Nazis, for they say that they have “..entered into a covenant with death, with the realm of the dead we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.”(Is. 28:15), meaning that they will keep on throwing toxic stuff until they are dead.(Deut. 13:9) As a result of this, practically every single thing that I touch is contaminated by SERPENTs as often as they can do it. 12/19 Maybe the best way to teach nanotechnologists the hazards of nanotubes is to have them walk barefoot through some of those curved nanotubes referred to above. 12/29 As I have mentioned, I have seen several people in this town with large golf ball-like lumps on their arms, faces, etc. I have determined that these are not the result of the body encapsulating anthrax as I thought they were and that they are lumps arising from being shot with bullets composed of mites when drunk. I have tried to talk to several of these people only to find that they have also had their brains fried. As it is written, “The LORD will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured. The LORD will afflict you with madness, blindness and confusion of mind.”(Deut. 28:27-28; Jer. 5:21; 10:14; Is. 6:9-10) I suspect that these people with lumps on their bodies were shot with bullets that were composed entirely of insects years ago (@ 15-20 years ago) long before they started using nanotubes in such bullets. I find that digging deep at the sites where lumps are beginning to form causes some of the burrows, nanotubes, and/or insects to migrate to the surface. I have dug the major wound on my forearm about seven times yet they are still in there. I have just started on one in my biceps, and it became a bloody mess instantly; thus “…blood spattered my garments, and I stained all my clothing.”(Is. 63:3) 1/5 FYI You can’t stop picking that stuff out until it is all out; otherwise a lump will eventually form; thus the sores have to be kept open for the duration. I notice that the sores of these afflicted ones also are opened at times; thus the victims probably open them to relieve the pain or itch and pick out as many of the insects or burrows as they can. I have never let the sores close up and grow like that; thus I have over thirty on my face, arms, and feet that are in various stages of treatment. 1/18 I believe that the thousands of pieces of nanotubes that I am picking out of my face and arms are from the wastebins (Biohazard Bins?!) of nanotech centers. I suspect that the culprits sift this waste and use the resulting material according to its size. The use of insects or nanotubes in bullets in the Gaza Strip was probably covered up because those bullets are really Dum Dum Bullets, banned by International Law at the Hague Convention in 1899. 1/22 Since there is nothing published on the hazards of nanotubes, I presume that there have never been any toxicology tests on them. Any one in that field who tries to dismiss questions about the dangers of nanotubes should prove themselves that nanotubes are harmless; i.e. they can inhale them, be shot with them, and walk barefoot through them. 1/25 Since I was shot in the face with mites and nanotubes, the Bush Nazis have been throwing mites in my face wherever I go; thus I find that there are masses of mites in my nostrils to the point where I find myself trying to pull something out of my nose akin to what Schwarzenegger pulled out of his nose in the Terminator. I bet a lot of animals die trying to get those masses out of their nose. 1/30/11 Let me tell you that when one dislodges the masses of nanotubes that have been embedded deep in the skin, it takes what amounts to hundreds of pounds of force per square inch on the tip of a cuticle cutter to dislodge it. It never comes out in one piece either. It’s always hundreds of pieces of nanotubes and scar tissue, which seems to form immediately around the imbedded nanotubes. These demented Bush Nazis have shot me with Dum Dum bullets in my right arm @ 20 times. They think that they are prophets (Jer. 14:14; 23:16) by doing this, saying I am a “worthless shepherd”; “Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!”(Zech. 11:17) They think that they know what a “shepherd” is supposed to do. Anyway I’m just the messenger. 2/20 I discovered the most foul-smelling garbage that I have ever come upon in one of the covered blue bins outside my apt. building. I bet that this is where the Nazi landlords are now producing these mites even in cold weather. Have been able to collect the mites on white paper by spraying and shaking a sheet of plastic hanging over my door. They are fifty to a hundred times as small as reference texts claim they are; i.e. barely detectable by the unaided eye. When I place them in an envelope, their legs apparently link them together in groups of 4-5 so they appear to be elongated. It’s very serious to be trying to remove clusters of mites from the nose, for pulling them out may damage the nasal ducts, resulting in your nose running continuously. There was a regular on the computer at the library who apparently went to the medical profession for such a cluster up his nose. I saw him a few weeks ago with his nose packed and taped like they had cut it out, and I haven’t seen him since! 3/8 In the 1931 film, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I believe the doctor is shown looking at bugs under a microscope. I suspect those were the parasitic mites. “Bacteria has legs!” 4/16 There has been a shortage of pork and sausage at most of the supermarkets here, and at some pork has rarely if ever been available. GHW Bush told me last night that they are using pork to grow insects, anthrax, etc., for it is the ideal medium in which to grow such organisms. At one market where it has rarely been available, I was told that it’s always available. The last time I found some there, I notice “small” on the sausage package, indicating that the size of the ground was small. None of the cashiers knew what “small” meant. Yesterday there was 20 or more packages of pork, and the price had gone up $.30 a pound. I bet this is happening nationwide as they shut down these bioterror labs. So it appears that the Swine Flu scare ( ) had several purposes in addition to poisoning you with toxic flu shots. It made “laboratory grade pork” readily available, and it created the impression that people were not buying pork anymore. (5/23 I pedaled by the university on Friday, and alleged sewage spill smelled more like biological waste than it did like sewage. I figured that the SERPENTs on campus were paying keloid-covered drunks to dump biological waste down the toilet, and it rotted the walls of the sewage plant.) 4/18 I was shot in the spine with a barbed projectile in the upper back a few weeks ago, after a few days of carefully trying to remove it by lifting on the projectile, I have postponed it for a while, for it is very dangerous and feels like doing spinal surgery. 5/20 From Excerpts from Letters to My Doctor (see blog): “In respect to Terry Dermitt and Sandi O’Grady telling me to go see a Medical Doctor, GHW Bush says that “the O’Grady Bunch is getting rid of bogus medical professionals throughout the Southern Tier and elsewhere” in order to help Bob find a doctor.” Nazi Mental Health Deja Vu 5/23 GHW Bush said last night that they were making broadcasts regarding the psychotropic drugs of mental health being identical to pesticides. “If you grind these prolixin tablets up and dissolve them in alcohol, the resulting solution can be used to kill gnats, lice, spiders, and flying insects.” 5/25 At yesterdays appt. saw that she couldn’t spell to save her life. Plan is for all of O’Grady Bunch to wear blonde wigs and look like her. 6/1 In recent weeks have been shot 6 or 7 times with barbed projectiles and/or scarification bullets on the inside of my thighs and top of my left foot. One of the barbed projectiles on the inside of my thigh has somehow generated a keloid beneath the skin. Digging that out seems to be a neverending project. Heavy mace burns and/or scarification particles also have appeared on the back of my calf and the inside of my elbows. GHW Bush seems to be hell-bent on crippling me. 9/6 GHW Bush said last night that his kid Dumb Boy has always used the same lethal bioterror stuff to quell any opposition. With over 50 barbed prongs and projectiles in my body with many of them being in the spinal area, I told alumni who sent me a survey about a new science center, “No nanotechs! It seems to be a pathological pursuit, placing lethal microscopic agents in the hands of morons!” 9/6 Note that the published accounts of these Bushes are the only statements that they are ever going to make about issues like 9/11; thus on TV we see shows like George W. Bush and 9/11 Conspiracy, shows that are almost ten years old. The Bush Nazis will target and/or eliminate anyone who questions what is in these shows. As the ultimate manifestation of 2 Tim. 4:3 GHW Bush justifies his criminal behavior by declaring to himself that what he does is acceptable and nobody can oppose him; thus his cronies keep repeating these absurdities back to him, verifying what his “itching ears want to hear”. 9/10 Had some flooding here. They needlessly closed all the bridges, the libraries, and flooded many neighborhoods. It was unreal to have roads closed and neighborhoods flooded after the rivers had began to recede. That’s probably because FEMA was called in along with the military. I bet the military is here to protect FEMA more than anything else. It’s probably all a bid for Federal funds. (9/12 – FEMA seems to be “kind caring destroyers”, using mandatory evacuations etc. to destroy as many low-lying houses as possible.) 9/13 This should have been a minor flood. What happened was the City and County took off when evacuations were announced. All of the flooding in Binghamton appeared to be intentional. A 20 block area of the North side on Upper Front St. could have probably been saved with a few sandbags. It was controlled preplanned destruction. As for 9/11, I bet that the pilots who crashed those jets were dying AIDS patients; i.e. suicidal kamikazees. I pretty much confirmed that was the case with the pilot that doomed Sen. John Heinz. Eagle stealth helicoptors are still shooting barbed projectiles into my arms and legs two or three times a day. It is hard to detect because the skin is already so dead. 9/13 Yesterday they were shooting me in the knees in a further attempt to cripple me. 1/2/12 I have noticed what I call “Kamikaze Nazis”, appearing at the drug stores and the dollar stores where there are Nazi customers lurking in the aisles throwing parasitic insects and clerks covered with sores from these insects are at work there. This is all a ruse by Nazis to get people to talk about the insects so that they can target anyone who mentions the bioterror of the Nazis. They don’t think anything of infecting their fellow Nazis for this purpose. (Is. 1:6; 3:17) What they don’t know is that it is nearly impossible to get rid of these insects.
1/9 After a month or two of 90 degree heat and no hot water, there are only about four people left in the building (12 unit bldg.); plus the overdue gas bills are still being posted on the front door and coming to my mailbox, addressed Occupant #1. What do you think their up to? Think they are going to burn the place down? I bet if I went to NYSEG about the gas bills, they would shut it all off permanently. Keep in mind that my landlord is Kennedy Binghamton LLC, managed by Coolidge Properties. I asked them who was in charge of Kennedy Binghamton, but couldn’t get a straight answer out of them. It seems that the only way to keep them from doing anything is publicize their antics. Keep in mind that in addition to the heat and hot water, I deal with a constant onslaught of chemicals and insects.
Excerpts from Letter to My Doctor
12/6 – I’ve been doing 25 min. of leg lifts with a 10 pound weight in addition to cycling @ five miles every day, but the skin on my lower leg is still in peril. The number of mites that I dig out every day seems to remain constant probably from four or five “colony projectiles” that were shot into the calf of that leg. I have removed an incredible amount of material from all of these sites, but it keeps surfacing. I want to try treating each site after I remove some of the material to prevent more insects from surfacing. What do you think I should put in the open wound before I wrap it? Tea Tree Oil (high concentration), sulfur cream, or cortisone(1%)? It’s the back of the lower leg around the ankle where these mites concentrate. Right now I am trying a Tea Tree Oil solution while leaving it out on the upper calf to see if they leave the lower leg alone. The population coming out of my sinuses seems to have stabilized. I will try a weaker salt-aloe-soda solution to use on a regular basis. As for Dr. E, they say that he never put his name on any of the properties that he purchased, and they would buy him anything that he marveled at. That’s all for today. Best wishes. Bob Meade
12/10 - I don’t know if you saw this image or not, but this is from my Pennyante Microscope work images; i.e. it was done on a computer without a microscope. That large piece is what I removed from the tip of my nose when I first started working on what was shot into it. I did it by picking at the center until it bled, placing a piece of paper towel on it, then working it loose all around the perimeter. It was enough to send one into shock when I pulled it loose. Now the salt treatment has encrusted the sinal areas and tip of my nose to such an extent that the last of this projectile seems ready to come out. When I removed that piece above, it didn’t seem as dead as the nose does now, so I hope that it comes out without much of a problem. The population of mites coming out from a subsequent salt-aloe-soda treatment has increased for some reason. I am also now able to work loose mite clusters on the inside of the nose in the conchae etc. a little bit easier. I suspect that these mites form pillar-like structures somewhat like termite mounds, and that is probably what the doctors called a cyst in my Mom’s nose, resulting in their destroying her sense of smell when they removed it via the roof of her mouth. My legs are bad, and they are not letting me get the hot water I need at home out of the tap. Cortisone seems to be working okay, but the mites always seem to be on the move before I wash and treat it again which is usually within 24 hours. Oozing skin always gets top priority. Having giving up on removing the bulk of projectiles shot into my buttocks, I find that these sites have to be addressed periodically as the burrows and pieces of projectiles surface, for it becomes too painful to sit. I have an appt. with Paul Colton on Thursday, but I probably won’t go, for they will probably try to send me to some doctor who will not acknowledge the problem or address it appropriately. In treating the sinuses, it would be a good idea to find something that kills these mites before they burrow out thru the sinal walls. I’ve tried sulfur, lavender, neem oil, Tea Tree Oil, aloe, soda, and salt. Any ideas? That’s all for today. Best wishes. Bob Meade
12/12 - Been working on getting the appt. with Paul Colton canceled. Don’t want them to be sending me to the medical profession for bogus treatment. Today I considered going to a sulfur springs bath or buying sulfur bath mix, but I tried finding bath mix a while ago and had no luck finding any. What do you think of doing a total body treatment except for the eye area with Therapeutic Coal Tar shampoo? I’ve used that on my scalp about 5 times. Think it would work? There is no way to purchase permethrin down here in any significant concentration.
1/2/12 Dear Doctor Canada,
12/17 – Went to Mental Health Outreach on Thursday, and they told me that Paul Colton’s last day was December 1st. I wonder if they meant that he died. I didn’t stick around to find out. I gave them my email address and left. I think that they called an ambulance as soon as I showed up. That is how they operate. They ignore any written communication and try to get you where they can abduct you. I looked up scabies last night and found a lot on the medical sites that was never available before. I found that they recommend making sulfur cream with creams, containing petrolatum. I went out and got some and tried it immediately. It works good for total body treatment. I had been making the cream with water, alcohol, sugar, and 2-3 oils. It worked okay, especially in protecting the nails; i.e. under the cuticles because it is such a thin mixture. That’s probably the only reason that I still have nails. I also started shaking that stuff up before I use it, and that creates a really good emulsification. Started extracting more of the major projectile in the calf of my leg. That scar is three inches long and just full of projectile material and burrows. I have @ five of them in that calf, and that is where the mites, infecting the ankle area keep coming from. Projectiles without the mites are all over my back. I find that they heal rapidly when removed. The ones with the mites persist. Hope the new sulfur cream does a better job keeping them away from my ankles etc.
12/19- Even though I haven’t seen many results yet, I believe that the new sulfur cream is going to work fine, especially since I started using it with Neem Oil. Remember what I said about Neem, blocking reproduction in insects. I suspect that is the only way to get them under control in my legs. I am now looking into using Neem in nasal spray, and I found there was only one or two mentions of it on the computer. The use of Tea Tree Oil popped up when I did the Neem search. Which do you think would be best to mix with the salt-aloe-soda solution? Did the nasal rinse again last night and the remains of the projectile in the tip of my nose became a rock-hard mass about twice the size of a BB. Let me know what you think best to try, Neem or Tea Tree Oil, or both. Best wishes. Bob Meade
12/23 – Tried adding Neem Oil to the nasal solution today. Put an eyedropper and a half in a pint spray bottle. It was too strong. I will try diluting as soon as I check the concentration of other ingredients. Think I should leave out the aloe or baking soda? A sore with burrows appeared in the center of my forehead. I wonder if the insects ate through the sinuses there. I thought the skull bone was there. Maybe its came from somewhere else, but it seems to come from the frontal sinuses. (Blow Story deleted – put a hook in their nose when they come looking for it.) Think my sinuses are paper thin now? The reason the eye is so bad is because I moved when my Canadian doctor did the second stage (second nostril) of the sinal flush. That crack in the plate was so big! That year I tried water polo at Cornell. In my first swim out to the ball, the opposing player stuck his finger in my eye up to his knuckle. I was taken to Gannet Clinic. When I blew my nose, it inflated my cheek, making me run and show the doctor. I don’t think that crack ever healed. That’s all for now. Best wishes. Bob Meade PS 12/23 Neem oil seems to be promoting the cleanup of the sinuses. Epsom has always had the best results for removing masses. I have found that the use of barbed projectiles and mites to disable my knees and shoulders does cause pain in the ligaments when the sites become swollen with burrows etc. Full mobility is not restored until the material is removed. I suspect that these projectiles are rigid and straight when shot; thus they go more or less painlessly deep in the skin because of anesthetic on them or something like that. I believe that they then swell up a hundredfold or so, making them hard enough to grasp and pull on, but they break usually producing about one eighth inch pieces. Barbed prongs that are picked up passively can be removed immediately if detected, but they work their way beneath the surface if not detected then surface months later. The mass in my buttocks is a problem because I am now healing a section of it that surfaced. Whenever I pull masses of projectiles from there or my legs, it leaves a deep hole in the skin that requires extra care to heal. In the buttocks the mass is a problem because the skin of the whole area, @ four square inches is discolored. If it became necessary to remove that, it wouild be tricky to do it, for a four inch square hole in your buttocks would be nearly impossible to heal. Ask any paraplegic?
12/24- In my fingertips I have something that I call “nanowires – witch’s broom”. I picked up most of them when I touched the door and my bike upon exiting the Y about a year ago. Entry into the tips of the fingers is the most painful thing you can imagine. Digging and tweezing them out along with burrows is even worse.
12/31 – I saw that my fingers and toes had been severely infested a year ago. I thought that I had resolved the problem with epsom and sulfur, for the skin had died. Now when I am removing dead skin and burrows from the finger and toe tips. the nanowires form blood blisters, containing the nanowires and burrows. They surface as you dig them out so you end up with blood blisters surfacing thru the dead skin. The thumbs and the forefingers and the big toes are an immense problem, for the thumbs have about fifty burrows in them, and the big toes have about 80. Epsom treatment before digging into the blood blisters seems to be the best solution, for it reduces bleeding and promotes healing. The big toes were so bad that I had to dig at them for about an hour before I reached blood. I hadn’t addressed them until they started going numb. Legs are not so good either. Isolating the populations with plastic will probably make the Neem Oil more effective, but it seems to be rendered ineffective after 20 hours. The population is down in the legs though. These sites like the calves that have imbedded projectiles producing burrows are also in my biceps,waistline, and buttocks. I make attempts to remove them everywhere to prevent the formation of “keloids”, but I cannot do all of them in the one calf because it is already so dead. I find that once I locate the projectile and start pulling it to the surface, the burrows form at the surface, causing pain that results in my digging them out and pulling on the projectile again. This process usually has to be repeated four or five times before the burrows do not appear again. In some locations it seems like they will never stop. I think that is equally a matter of the size of the projectile and the location. I’ve found that the thighs, the biceps, and the lower back and buttocks are the hardest to eradicate. I think that exercise of the legs is more important than getting those projectiles out. Think that is true? Best wishes. Bob Meade
1/6 – Mites in my sinuses seem to be dying out, but they have concentrated at the openings to my nostrils. I bet it’s not hard to permanently lose the skin there, for they are present inside and out. Fingerdipping in salt water and wiping the opening with it followed by oil with tea tree followed by Vitamin A & E skin cream seems to be bringing it under control. There’s got to be a safer way to eradicate them from the sinuses other than repeatedly flushing it with the salt mixture. Any ideas?
1/9 – I believe that I have figured out the consequences of the mites gathering at the openings to the nostrils. That is probably how people start developing Schnozzola noses; i.e. like Jimmy Durante. I believe that there are no pictures of how bad his condition became shortly before his death either. You have seen those noses, haven’t you? Swollen beyond belief and red, covered with sores? From the current situation on the tip of my nose with the burrows forming inside and out, I deduct that the Schnozzola nose is an extremely hard mass of mite burrows and that those suffering from that condition do not live very long after it reaches such a large size. Here’s what I posted when I read of basketball star Lamar and his girlfriend boasting of drinking absinthe at a Dallas party: “That’s a sign of how stupid people have become. Absinthe was banned in this country because it eats holes in the brain. People who used absinthe repeatedly ended up losing everything, including their sense of direction. They would be stumbling around like they had Mad Cow Disease.” Best wishes. Bob Meade
1/10 – I bet that some doctors knew what the schnozzola nose was all about and that they singled they out for elimination if they addressed it at all. I suspect that the burrows at the entrance to my nostrils have been in the nose all along. It’s very hard getting them out, and the burrows form hard pillars lining the entrance. I find that the saline nasal rinse with aloe, neem oil, and baking soda works good if I stuff the nostrils with paper towels soaked in it. That gets them to come out, then I tried the tumeric and aloe mixture last night to dissolve what comes out. It seems to be working. I have been combing burrows out of the front of my neck for a while without ever shaving my beard to get a look at them. Two nights ago my Thyroid started hurting, and I was positve that they were burning arsenic and pumping it into my apartment, for pain in the Thyroid area is the telltale sign of the presence of arsine. Only after locating and starting to extract burrows from the area of the submaxillary gland on one side was I able to alleviate the pain. That’s unreal, for it makes me realize that pain in the Thyroid might be coming from the glands. I can imagine what the quack doctors say about such a thing: “That means we have to remove your Thyroid.” That’s all for now. Best wishes. Bob Meade
1/11 – They tell me that you were burning arsenic last night to see what the effects of arsine were. “Light it and run!” Remember the Tokyo Subway Disaster? I’m pretty sure that was arsine. Note that they said that it was Sarin, a mythical chemical that spells “arsin”. As for the schnozzola nose, I bet that it would be almost impossible to treat once it started growing, for fatal nosebleeds would probably occur. As for the attacks on my arms and legs, I find that they use something akin to shotgun pellets to embed numerous projectiles, containing mites in the knee and the shoulder areas. This produces a toxin of some sort that impairs the mobility of those joints until the projectiles and burrows are removed, usually via cuticle cutter and tweezers following treatment with sulfur cream and epsom. Also one of the reasons that they forced me to quit the YMCA by telling me to go see a doctor was to prevent me from doing the exercise that keeps the legs from deteriorating. Adios for today. Bob Meade
1/12 - Don’t forget that plain old arsenic in the air causes stomach pain. I am in a predicament. On the left side of the tip of my nose, I have the remains of the fragmentation bullet that will probably come out in the mass of @ twice the size of a BB. On the right side of the tip of my nose, I have the beginning of a Schnozzola Nose @ a third of an inch in diameter. Should I concentrate on the latter of the two totally? It will probably dissolve and come out, especially as I reduce the number of burrows on the inside of the nasal passage, but it may take several weeks. Let me know. Best wishes. Bob Meade
1/16 - I bet that the promotion of saline solutions for nasal congestion is all a hoax related to promoting mite infestations. Without the aloe, the Tea Tree Oil, or Neem Oil, the salt will probably just cause the mites to burrow deep into the nose and take up permanent residence there. I never felt that saline solutions did anything for nasal congestion at all. What effect does salt have on the blood vessels that cause the sinal passages to swell shut? I’ve been using some leftover lavender oil and find that has an effect similar to the tumeric-aloe mixture…
1/18 – Dissolving the Schnozzola burrows is not an easy task, same for the burrows within the nostrils. It took four days of applying the tumeric-aloe mixture followed by retinol for the “pillars” to start coming apart. Do you think that the Schnozzola Nose kills when the mites start burrowing into the brain or the afflicted get killed when they seek medical treatment? My hands and wrists are severely infested, and I find that the lunate bone spur of the wrist is a favorite gathering spot, producing painful burrows. As a result of digging these out, I believe that these mites are also capable of burrowing into the bones, for it certainly feels like they are anchored in the bone itself. To protect the ankle areas of my legs, I’ve started applying a copious amount of E-oil – Neem, E-oil – Tea Tree, then baby lotion with aloe, tea tree, and neem, topped with sulfur cream, and wrapping it in a paper towel before putting my socks over it. That keeps the mites coming out of the sites above from infecting that area. Works good. The paper towels are sterile and inexpensive. Best wishes. Bob
1/23 – I believe that these mites are also the cause of a large number of cases of arthritus. I came to this conclusion when scraping the second joint on the second toe of one of my feet after I found that it was beginning to seize up due to the buildup of mite burrows there. In my Encyclopedia of Healthful Living (70s), I found that 23% of farmers had arthritus in a ’56 study and that physically active people were most likely to develop arthritus. I bet that a lot of those case were the result of mites also, for the culprits would probably throw the insects on joints that had wounds on them. A person does not sense the presence of insects on wounds. If masses of burrows develop at targetted joints, I bet that the doctors just kill the mites and leave the burrows intact. I do not believe that the mites mess with the joint fluid, but they imobilize joints by burrowing into the cartilage and the bone. What do you think? Best wishes. Bob Meade
1/11 – They tell me that you were burning arsenic last night to see what the effects of arsine were. “Light it and run!” Remember the Tokyo Subway Disaster? I’m pretty sure that was arsine. Note that they said that it was Sarin, a mythical chemical that spells “arsin”. As for the schnozzola nose, I bet that it would be almost impossible to treat once it started growing, for fatal nosebleeds would probably occur. As for the attacks on my arms and legs, I find that they use something akin to shotgun pellets to embed numerous projectiles, containing mites in the knee and the shoulder areas. This produces a toxin of some sort that impairs the mobility of those joints until the projectiles and burrows are removed, usually via cuticle cutter and tweezers following treatment with sulfur cream and epsom. Also one of the reasons that they forced me to quit the YMCA by telling me to go see a doctor was to prevent me from doing the exercise that keeps the legs from deteriorating. Adios for today. Bob Meade
1/12 - Don’t forget that plain old arsenic in the air causes stomach pain. I am in a predicament. On the left side of the tip of my nose, I have the remains of the fragmentation bullet that will probably come out in the mass of @ twice the size of a BB. On the right side of the tip of my nose, I have the beginning of a Schnozzola Nose @ a third of an inch in diameter. Should I concentrate on the latter of the two totally? It will probably dissolve and come out, especially as I reduce the number of burrows on the inside of the nasal passage, but it may take several weeks. Let me know. Best wishes. Bob Meade
1/16 - I bet that the promotion of saline solutions for nasal congestion is all a hoax related to promoting mite infestations. Without the aloe, the Tea Tree Oil, or Neem Oil, the salt will probably just cause the mites to burrow deep into the nose and take up permanent residence there. I never felt that saline solutions did anything for nasal congestion at all. What effect does salt have on the blood vessels that cause the sinal passages to swell shut? I’ve been using some leftover lavender oil and find that has an effect similar to the tumeric-aloe mixture…
1/18 – Dissolving the Schnozzola burrows is not an easy task, same for the burrows within the nostrils. It took four days of applying the tumeric-aloe mixture followed by retinol for the “pillars” to start coming apart. Do you think that the Schnozzola Nose kills when the mites start burrowing into the brain or the afflicted get killed when they seek medical treatment? My hands and wrists are severely infested, and I find that the lunate bone spur of the wrist is a favorite gathering spot, producing painful burrows. As a result of digging these out, I believe that these mites are also capable of burrowing into the bones, for it certainly feels like they are anchored in the bone itself. To protect the ankle areas of my legs, I’ve started applying a copious amount of E-oil – Neem, E-oil – Tea Tree, then baby lotion with aloe, tea tree, and neem, topped with sulfur cream, and wrapping it in a paper towel before putting my socks over it. That keeps the mites coming out of the sites above from infecting that area. Works good. The paper towels are sterile and inexpensive. Best wishes. Bob
1/23 – I believe that these mites are also the cause of a large number of cases of arthritus. I came to this conclusion when scraping the second joint on the second toe of one of my feet after I found that it was beginning to seize up due to the buildup of mite burrows there. In my Encyclopedia of Healthful Living (70s), I found that 23% of farmers had arthritus in a ’56 study and that physically active people were most likely to develop arthritus. I bet that a lot of those case were the result of mites also, for the culprits would probably throw the insects on joints that had wounds on them. A person does not sense the presence of insects on wounds. If masses of burrows develop at targetted joints, I bet that the doctors just kill the mites and leave the burrows intact. I do not believe that the mites mess with the joint fluid, but they imobilize joints by burrowing into the cartilage and the bone. What do you think? Best wishes. Bob Meade
2/3 Regarding the Schnozzola Nose, I am worried that the mites will consumre the External Naris; i.e. the lobes at the entrance to the nostrils, particularly that on the side with the most mites. To battle this, I am stuffing towels in that nostril coated with whatever I am using to extract them or heal them at the moment. I doubt if it will grow back if too much of that lobe gets eaten away. Since I am dealing wth maybe hundreds of thousands of burrows on my body, I am also concerned with the breakdown of the integumentary organ. In the legs and feet, I?ve found that paper towels really increase the effect of ointments on the skins, for the ointments are lost to the socks otherwise. Have to go now. Best wishes. Bob Meade
2/6 Did you say that Tea Tree Oil was the way to deal with the mites in the nose lobe? That?s what I thought you said so I tried it. It seems to be working but they are really making my life at home hell. They have a bogus plumber there fiddling with the water heater and superheating my apartment to 90 degrees
2/11 ..I have looked at images of arthritus and suspect that in the feet it is caused by insect burrows on the undrside of the toes and the joints. The second and the little toes seem to be the most susceptible to infestation. Have started wrapping my toes as well as my lower legs with five connected paper towels, and that has kept the mites at bay better than anything else. I was trying to remove a prong mass from the tailbone area of my spine at belt level and found that it required thousands of pounds per sq. inch of force, and it still wouldn't budge, probably because I have not addressed that site in a while. I hope it loosens up with ointment. I find that all it taikes is a single prong site in the top of the shoulder to disable the shoulder. I tried using a few drops of Tea Tree in the nasal rinse and found that it immediately caused my eye to tear; thus I suspect that it is not safe in the rinse. I bet that many alcohol based or petroleum based substances have been used against the mites in the past. Out of time. Best wishesl Bob Meade
2/13 ....I have relented on trying to kill the mites on a regular basis to see if they don't keep coming back at such a ferocious pace and to let the skin heal somewhat. It's unreal how many times I've had to dig them out of my hands, and the population is still way up there. I was trying to find out what kind of material these prongs are made of, but there seems to be nothing written on it. I think that it is a self-replicating polymer of one of the strongest substances there is. I read of bone scaffolds and stuff like that, but that is more or less cartilage-like material. The military doesn't give out much info on such stuff. The best source has been Topix net; but you have to catch it when it comes out, for they remove it, especially if the author is eliminated. That is where I saw several articles on the use of these mites as bioterror weapons in the Mideast a few years ago. That's all for now. Best wishes. Bob Meade
2/16 .. I just posted excerpts from the past two letters to you in my wordpress blog. These self-replicating prongs are probably causing physical disabilities wherever they are used. I am going to do research and see if there might be some way to dissolve them in order to facilitate removal or to prevent them from replicating. The one in my spine at belt level does not seem to be attached to the spine, but the level of pain when I pull on it indicates that it probably is attached to the cartilage or bone of the spine somehow. Do you remember how I described the large mass of this material in my buttocks? Well now I have burrows surfacing there, and I find that there is crippling pain arising from the muscles under the gluteus maximus. I find that the best way to deal with these prong sites is to apply the tumeric-aloe mixture and either a lavender oil mix or a tea tree oil mix. That produces dead mites and burrows that facilitate removal. There has been some but not much improvement in the fingers and toes since I refrained from trying to kill the mites so much. I wonder if these mites have been there all along even though I thought that I had eradicated them when severely infested about a year and a half ago. I say this because in my fingers the burrows are so deep that it seems like they will never stop surfacing. At the health food store I noticed the appearance of oral care products containing Tea Tree Oil and Neem Oil, making me wonder if the mites live in the mouth too. My legs are doing better, but I am worried about deformation of the toes and permanent damage to the joints.
2/21 ..It took about a week of application of tumeric-aloe, oil-lavender, oil-tea tree, and lots of hot water to bring the schnozzola mites and burrows to the surface of my nose. It forms a hard crust that is more or less removable, leaving the skin raw. Lavender works best to get any living mites to move. Tea tree was essential to get the lobe at the ent