Argentina Centro de Medios Independientes (( i ))

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Indymedia Servers Returned
Por Indymedia Global ((i)) - Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2004 at 9:30 AM


A Rackspace employee stated, "I was just told that the court order is being complied with and your servers in London will be online at 5pm GMT. I will pass along anymore information that becomes available and that I am allowed to."

It has been verified that the returned hard-drives are the originals, but the circumstances of the seizure still remain unclear: who took them, why were they taken, and under which court order? Indymedia is not aware as to whether Rackspace is still under gag order.

The hard-drives will be treated as "hacked" (compromised) and as a result there will be delays in restoring the sites that are still down.

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