Argentina Centro de Medios Independientes (( i ))

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Por CISLAC - Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 at 2:15 AM

International Day of Action in Solidarity with Argentina

International Day of Action in Solidarity with Argentina

As Argentina tumbles further into financial crisis an inspiring popular rebellion has been spreading across the country, and this year has also spread throughout Latin America. The rising rebellion exploded on Dec 20, 2001, when over a million people took to the streets banging their pots and pans (cacerolazo) and ousting the first of four presidents. This year on the 20th and 21st of December people in Argentina and across the globe will be taking part in a day of action - a global cacerolazo - to demonstrate that those who are building alternatives to the dictatorship of the market are not alone.

Meet at Sydney Town Hall for the rally . Hear from a range of solidarity activists and don't forget to bring your pots and pans to make plenty of noise. Lets use the opportunity to tell the people of sydney what the market really means for the people of Argentina and the rest of Latin America.

Sydney Town Hall

11am- 1pm Sat Dec 21

Sydney action initiated by Committees in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean (CISLAC) Ph Roberto 9687 5134 or 0428 190276. If you would like to sponsor this action please respond to this email or ring me on the above numbers.

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