Argentina Centro de Medios Independientes (( i ))

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About the eviction of Indymedia Argentina
Por Naomi Klein - Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 2:37 PM

Against the eviction.

When Argentina exploded in a popular uprising on December 19 and 20th 2001,overthrowing four presidents in two weeks, the mainstream international press reported on the news as the ³collapse² of a country. Frustrated, I went to Indymedia Argentina and was instantly transported to the streets of Buenos Aires, where unemployed workers, middle class neighbours and university students were staging a revolt against the same neo-liberal economic program that is failing around the world. The protests did not represent the collapse of a country, but the end of passivity.

For tens of thousands of international visitors, Indymedia became our only window to this remarkable uprising, inviting us to not just to look but also participate by writing directly to those involved, and posting stories of resistance from around the world. A national movement went global.

Over the past year, I have seen Indymedia Argentina¹s reporters in action here in Buenos Aires. They are there, cameras in hand, at virtually every protest, road blockade, occupied factory, and important
assembly. Indymedia Argentina¹s importance to the social movements here cannot be overstated. The site is the primary space for non-partisan debate
about movement ideas and tactics. When a social movement is facing police repression or eviction ­ something that is occurring with alarming frequency
at the moment -- Indymedia is usually the first to get the call. People here know that there is no better way to mobilize people quickly. This is not alternative media or marginal media ­ it is genuine community media.

Now Indymedia Argentina is the one facing eviction, and it is Indymedia that needs us to mobilize for its protection. The local government here may well be counting on the fact that when the world is focused on a massive war, smaller local battles can seem unimportant. Now is the time to prove them wrong. Please support Indymedia¹s anti-eviction campaign now.

Protect this precious space,

Naomi Klein

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en español
Por martin - Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 2:15 AM

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