Julio López
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Argentina's goverment at the border of colapse, again
The situation in Argentina grows more complex, fuelled by the resignation of economy ministwer Remes Lenicov after a law to change the peoples bank deposits from pesos or dollars to 5 or 10 year bonds (treasury notes). The aim was to stop the leacking of bank depostits that has been taking place in spite of cash wridthdrwal limitations inposed by the goverment (the so called "corralito"). However it is not only bank deposits who are sufering, Duahldes repeated attempts to calm down argentinas financial crisis, including a unemployment insurance for household bosses of less than 50 USD per month, they apear to have failed and social unrest fills the countrys air with extreme tension. People are gathering around congres while rumors similar to those that runed during the last hours of De La Ruas presidency fill the air. A webcam filming congress by the police cna be seen at here, while some images taken at 4.30 pm local time can be seen here

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