Julio López
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text U.S. Supreme Court will not take Argentina and NML capital debt case Jennifer Tong 2013-10-07 3:15 PM
The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to take the landmark debt case between Argentina and bondholders led by NML Capital, a hedge fund that buys the debt of countries in financial crisis. (text/plain)

text (video) Palabras Armadas, la vida de Yesid Arteta Sayuri Matsuyama 2013-09-25 9:38 PM
Un relato clave para entender la historia contemporánea de Colombia (text/plain)

text La vuelta de la moral (reenvio) Colectivo Editorial Crisis 2013-08-22 2:04 AM
Moral y gestión son las dos palabras del momento. Ambas tienen implicancias con la década del noventa y, a la vez, se proyectan como espejos de lo que el kirchnerismo quiso o quiere ser e irremediablemente ya no puede. (text/plain)

text CIA's involvement in drug trafficking and its negative impacts on black americans Gary Webb 2013-07-18 10:17 AM
FOR THE LAST YEAR and a half, the U.S. Department of Justice has been trying to explain why nearly everyone convicted in California's federal courts of ''crack'' cocaine trafficking is black. (text/plain)

text How Evita got towards power Alan Lano 2013-07-14 6:58 PM
an article (text/plain)

text CIA's Involvement In Drug Trafficking And Its Negative Impacts On Black Americans Gary Webb 2013-07-04 8:22 AM
FOR THE LAST YEAR and a half, the U.S. Department of Justice has been trying to explain why nearly everyone convicted in California's federal courts of ''crack'' cocaine trafficking is black. (text/plain)

application El costo de integrarnos. Los procesos actuales de subjetivación (reenvio) Enrique Carpintero 2013-06-23 6:20 PM
Los paradigmas de nuestra época devienen en nuevas perspectivas científicas, técnicas y culturales. Esto plantea teorías e investigaciones ligadas al género y la sexualidad, la importancia de la imagen en los medios de comunicación y el nuevo espacio virtual, el cual permite interacciones y encuentros que quiebran las distancia exteriores. (application/pdf)

text Class may day against state and bosses Anarchist Collective “Cycle of Fire†Greece 2013-05-02 2:22 PM
Solidarity with all those who fight against state and capitalist brutality, all those who fight for a society of equality - solidarity - freedom (text/plain)

image Mensaje de la victoria de Samer al-Issawi Bea Esseddin 2013-04-27 5:32 AM
Mensaje de la victoria de Samer al-Issawi
Traducción al español del mensaje del prisionero palestino Samer al-Issawi, publicado al día siguiente de firmar el acuerdo que puso fin a su huelga de hambre histórica que duró 278 días. Fue traducido a otros tres idiomas: inglés, nirlandés y francés. (image/jpeg)

text Rusia: President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person Register Ã…ke Tyvi 2013-04-13 7:18 AM
President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person Register because of his 'connections' to Russia Hell Angels (text/plain)

text Gran Bretaña: 14,000 Idle wind turbines a testament to failed energy policies Bob Adelmann 2013-04-12 7:05 AM
14,000 Idle Wind Turbines a Testament to Failed Energy Policies (text/plain)

image Celebrating the life of Hugo Chávez: Wed. 5 Mar. @ 8:15pm, Toronto Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Netwo 2013-03-06 5:34 AM
Celebrating the life of Hugo Chávez: Wed. 5 Mar. @ 8:15pm, Toronto
The Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network (LACSN) mourns the death of comandante President Hugo Chávez Frías a great leader who brought to fruition the Bolivarian dream of regional integration through the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our Américas (ALBA). (image/jpeg)

text Role of CIA-linked agents (in crack epidemic) Gary Webb 2013-01-03 6:39 AM
IF THEY'D BEEN IN a more respectable line of work, Norwin Meneses, Danilo Blandon and ''Freeway Rick'' Ross would have been hailed as geniuses of marketing. (text/plain)

text Newtown, CT; The Saddest Thing... Bobby Meade 2012-12-28 4:08 PM
"The saddest thing under the sun above Is saying goodbye to the ones you love!" Melanie Safka (text/plain + 1 comentario)

text Washington. Breakig News. President Barack Obama has resigned the Presidency... Mike R 2012-10-30 8:15 AM
WASHINGTON. BREAKING NEWS *** President Barack Obama has resigned the Presidency of the United States! (text/plain)

image GHW Bush - "I Did 9/11!" Bobby Meade 2012-09-22 5:10 PM
GHW Bush - "I Did 9/11!"
Got that out of him last night- 9/11. He wants you to take him to court so that his Bush Nazis can manipulate and/or murder the judge. (image/jpeg + 1 comentario)

text Occupy Movement Loosing Ground Burt Stanger 2012-07-17 4:54 AM
Occupy Movement Loosing Ground (text/plain)

text California’s dysfunctional alliance between suburban greens Gary Fuller 2012-07-16 7:27 AM
California’s dysfunctional alliance between suburban greens (text/plain)

image Eeee Gad! Garcia is God! Bobby Meade 2012-05-11 3:11 PM
Eeee Gad! Garcia is God!
Or at least some other Important Fella! (image/jpeg)

image As ISPs prepare to police web piracy, questions of efficacy and motive remain Fuente: RedOrbit 2012-03-21 3:56 AM
As ISPs prepare to police web piracy, questions of efficacy and motive remain
March 17, 2012 (image/jpeg)

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