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Por Bobby Meade - Saturday, May. 05, 2012 at 2:30 PM

The Right People
Missing Tex

2/21 ..It took about a week of application of tumeric-aloe, oil-lavender, oil-tea tree, and lots of hot water to bring the schnozzola mites and burrows to the surface of my nose. It forms a hard crust that is more or less removable, leaving the skin raw. Lavender works best to get any living mites to move. Tea tree was essential to get the lobe at the entrance to start to pass the material. It's no small feat to pull that off during continuous onslaught with these mites. I have been focusing on saving my second toes on both feet; i.e. the ones next to the big toe. I am doing toe lifts and more. One has burrows top and bottom, and it turns blue until I revive it each day. On top is what they probably usually call corms. People probably never notice the mites it they are thrown at already infested feet. In addition to the prongs, burrows, and self-replicating material that I am digging out of my shoulders, I've had to remove prongs and such from projectile wounds to my biceps and triceps that are two years old. I removed most of them when they first appeared, and these seem to be the ones that I missed. They can probably disable the arm by severely limiting the strength of the muscles in which they are imbedded. I am beginning to suspect that the proliferation of this self-replicating material may be similar to the proliferation of scar tissue in afflictions such as acne. As I have revealed, the proliferation of scar tissue in the body is proportional to the amount of scar tissue that is already there. That is why people with sever acne don't live long. It promotes scar tissue throughout the body and in other organs. In light of this, I have upped my intake of Vit. C. Anything else youi think might help? Best wishes. Bob Meade
3/9 I've looked pretty hard for what those prongs may be made of, but it seems like it is classified surpressed information. It is the cause of a lot of paralysis, I bet. I am concentrating on my neck now. I have three serious sites on the back of my neck and three or four more on the front. If they are not removed, paralyzing neck pain develops quite rapidly. I bet that the only place that you will find info on this stuff is via clandestine posts on or some other obscure site. I tried to use Wiley online to look for "paralyzing pellets" etc., but it seems like I accessed a bogus site that had nothing after 1955.
3/30 I haven't had time to search for the origin of these mites, but I suspect that they may be from Africa. What do you think? I find that these mites probably live a lot longer than the mites that cause scabies. They also seem to burrow deeper and wreak more havoc on the skeletal system. It seems like I have reduced the sinal population significantly, but they are exiting my face more at new sites like in the cheeks, the bridge, and the opposite eyebrow. I have been posting W. Africa with a piece titled, Rains of Righteousness after I saw footage of the drought conditions there, and it brought rain to W. Sahara, but it seems like it has been surpressed now. That's all for now. Best wishes. Bob Meade
4/12 Paralysis of my shoulder set in yesterday since I had neglected to remove the prongs and burrows from the supraspinatus tendon area for a while. Removed enough of them, and it was better. Remember the scars on top of the ankle that I saw in a woman who had had one leg amputated? Well I've found that those scars just keep growing if all the burrows and insects are not removed. It seems like they are directly over a vein or artery that runs up the leg. After @ 6,000 hours of picking at it, I am finally removing the mass of the dum-dum bullet that was shot into the tip of my nose two years ago. It has come to the surface, and it still requires heat and the aloe-tumeric mixture before I am able to remove it piece by piece. Daily treatment of my hands is a must too, especially the thumbs. Each has had @ 500 burrows removed from it; plus there was a lot of nanowire in both of them. I removed a piece from the tip of one last night that was over a half inch long. I've spent a lot of time trying to get those thumbs back in shape. Without them, we can't do much with our hands at all. Treating this stuff is no easy task, for hot water has to come from the stove. That's all for now. Best wishes. Bob Meade 4/28 I've determined that the teeth are affected by mites too. They may migrate from the sinuses in the same way as the ones coming out of the nose and face do. They apparently take up residence in the gums. I bet a lot of cases of periodontitis and gingivitis are caused by mites. Besides opening the sites and swabbing them with tea tree oil, I am looking for a type of mouthwash that will help and drinking more water to promote saliva production. When removing them from my fingers and toes, I notice that the burrows swell up quite a bit as they surface. I believe that is a survival tactic as the mites increase the size of the burrow in order to avoid sulfur and oils that would kill them. That's all for now. Best wishes. Bob Meade

FOOTNOTES (In case you came in late.)
(a.) Nazi - The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan's servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can't feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn't know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn't know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can't find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler's Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God's prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, "We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place." (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don't keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush's blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You're all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers.

(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, "...will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.... when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is "yes", check the clouds, and you will see a "Y" or "Yes". I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God's Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) "You feel thafe?" "And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you'll often speak about me. And this is what you'll say;.." "Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!" (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had "The Lord's" on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me." (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people,"I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand." (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. "Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?" (Is. 53:1) You? That "arm" appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a "rapture", the Lord's people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. "At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory." (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:3) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See (copy and exit, won't stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) is a partial blog.)

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