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text Dutch Airport illegal weapons transport center for Israel Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-08-09 5:37 AM
The Netherlands officially confirms 23 uncontrolled flights with military cargos of great quantities of weapons and ammunition from the United States via Holland to Israel during the last two months. This according to the 'very underreported' gov't answers given to MP Farah Karimi. (text/plain)

text Lebanon: throw out war propagandists like the BBC, FOX, CNN etc. Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-07-21 1:14 AM
We all know the BBC is strictly impartial. How do we know that? They themselves tell us! But, in reality most are not 'journalists' but warmongering propagandists. The BBC advocates war: during the last 2 decades it has broadcasted just 2% anti-war dissent! They have shown to be worse than FOX, CNN etc. (text/plain)

text Howard Zinn & 'The NN-phant in the Room' Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-07-06 11:42 PM
The huge omnivorous herd consumes everywhere on our earth as much as it can grab, and tramples millions of human beings to death. That doesn't seem to matter. The 'elephant boys' don't speak about the bloody pulp underneath the feet of the big animals: instead they give'm a bath in the mainstream. (text/plain)

text Amnesty: ''Israel commits State Terrorism'' & Bush commits war crimes Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-07-02 3:32 AM
¡Assessinos! Amnesty International reports: ''Israeli attacks on Gaza Strip are war crimes. Deliberate attacks by Israeli forces against civilian property and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip violate international humanitarian law and constitute war crimes.'' (text/plain)

text About Palast: 'Was the Invasion of Iraq A Jewish Conspiracy?' Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-06-27 1:43 AM
An article now published by journalist Greg Palast reads more like a failed attempt at shifting the blame. Or a survival act by the writer. It's not the journalism we are used to from Palast. Now the 'goys' are to blame? This item, which anyhow was published under his name, is definitely not kosher. (text/plain)

text Noam Chomsky: a jester at their court. Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-06-20 2:36 AM
Noam Chomsky belongs to this group of so called 'liberals' which on behalf of their masters have betrayed humanity. And try to keep betraying most of us. Those 'Megaphones of the Mighty' for instance can write thousands of words about the 'Problems in the Middle East' without even mentioning the word 'Israel' once. (text/plain)

text Dead? Who created the story of Al Zarqawi? Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-06-08 11:25 PM
It's probably a surprise for many, but the most sought after 'terrorist' al Zarqawi, was never on the FBI's list of the '10 Most wanted'. Nor on the FBI's list of 'most wanted terrorists'. Very strange, because he had - like Osama bin Laden - a $25 million reward on his head... (text/plain)

text CIA Terror Flights: US collaborators in 14 European countries lied Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-06-07 12:44 AM
Bush said: 'We do not torture', but today an EU investigation is accusing 14 European governments of crimes against humanity. Proving they criminally collaborate with the US Gulag program of secret jails and torture. All have known about the CIA torture flights. (text/plain)

text Los Assessinos de 9/11 - The Professor's Enigma Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-06-04 12:07 AM
Have all the world's $billion secret services been asleep on their watch? While the 'hijackers' prepared to sacrifice their lives as 'fanatical martyrs for Allah'? In stripjoints eating pork chops, washing it down with whiskey, and sleeping with blond 'infidels'? Or what? (text/plain)

text French Internet Butcher must be Stopped Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-05-29 7:24 AM
Total Control is the goal: "European Union lawmakers are investigating a proposed tax on e-mails and mobile phone text messages as a way to fund the 25-member bloc in the future." An EU whistleblower: ''The EU crooks steal billions, like Enron." (text/plain)

text BUSH & BLAIR: Things have not gone as planned? Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-05-26 1:00 AM
Nobel Prize Pinter: "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers: they also strike back!" (text/plain)

text Wall Street moves to European Headquarters Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-05-22 12:20 AM
The Great Money Game: Castling is a special move in the chess game consisting of moving the king two squares towards a rook, then moving the rook onto the square over which the king crossed. The King in this case being Wall Street, doing the Euro-next rocade. (text/plain)

text Buy ’Em While They’re Young Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-05-11 12:43 AM
According to the latest reports US sailors and airmen are being told to fill roles in Iraq normally occupied by Army soldiers. The options? The Pentagon warlords will start the draft (18 to 45) and fabricate another 9/11 type catastrophe to justify the draft and their global holocaust. (text/plain)

text Pulitzer Prize for Holocaust Denier Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-05-09 7:17 AM
A Pulitzer Prize winner made the most disgusting remark ever concerning journalism: "In agreement with the New York Times and the Soviet authorities, his official dispatches always reflect the official opinion of the Soviet region and not his own." - NYT's Moscow correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner Duranty. (text/plain)

text Pentagon Junta has taken over the CIA Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-05-07 12:57 AM
With Gen. Michael Hayden's expected nomination to run the CIA, a military officer is in charge of every major spy agency. He must sort out how the Orwellian 'National Clandestine Service' fits in with the CIA and other intelligence agencies. (text/plain)

text Torture? Royal SHELL keeps drilling and killing Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-05-06 1:15 AM
SHELL doesn't mind torture nor Amnesty reports: Dutch gofer Ben Bot makes a huge deal with Kazakh dictator, and Cheny does the same. Millions of people hurt and killed for millions in profit for the massacring multinationals. (text/plain)

text EU policy chief Solana denies American proof too: CIA Arranges Torture Charter Flights Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-05-02 10:54 PM
New York Times: "When the Central Intelligence Agency wants to grab a suspected member of Al Qaeda overseas and deliver him to interrogators in another country, an Aero Contractors plane often does the job." (text/plain)

text Partly cremated: NO driving for the fire brigade? Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-04-28 10:20 AM
When in the US, or your - like mine by them colonialized country - your parents starve, because "Meals on Wheels' can't afford gas anymore, what will you do? Or when you can't afford to drive to work anymore? To earn money for the next time you buy some gallons? - And public transport...? (text/plain)

text The Real First Casualty of War - Journalists are killers too! Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-04-20 9:08 PM
Pilger writes too: without those collaborating cowards, the megaphones of the group which has the Gold & the Guns, all the massacres, the global suffering, the 9/11 'inside job'* and fake War on terror nor their Holodomors would ever have been possible! They are killers! (text/plain)

text Compared to Kissinger, Hitler is a boy scout. Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars 2006-04-19 8:23 AM
If anybody in the world would make a film with the projection of series of sentences from the Torah, explicitly portraying violence against women in jewish societies on the nude body of an israeli girl, it's obvious what would happen. (text/plain)

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